Monday, October 31, 2011

Republicans Claim to Have Better Blacks!

My Thoughts on the Ann Coulter Comment are Below!

Tonight Roland Martin posted a RT on a very interesting comment made by Ann Coulter! The comment reads: “”””(RT @OfficialTatyana): "our blacks are better than their blacks" Ann Coulter bragging about black Republicans. Apparently we're still on the plantation.”””

My Response:

This is the same thing as Light Skinned vs. Dark Skinned Black People - When one is" in" the other is "out"!!... I am so sick of people setting up the divide and conquer games in our community! Most of the time we take the bait and blame ourselves -- but truly we need to see that neither party is really serving the community the way we believe they should on a large or small scale. The truth is that we love believing that we have "arrived" and that we have passed the color lines and barriers. Merit has nothing to with political progress. This system is designed to make us believe that we are involved in this moment and have an equal voice "if we'd only just use it" and really our voice is being used in some "wag the dog" exercise. It is BORING and I am ready for Black folks to WAKE UP and decide to demand a better system of involvement. The comment above was enough to make me take a nap! Goodnight Good People!

Friday, October 14, 2011

OCCUPY WALLSTREET/New York - October 9th, 2011

I often find myself wondering if my generation dropped the ball on organizing for change. I went down to Liberty Square Park down by the Stock Exchange to absorb the environment and the information. The vibe was good and inspiring. It made me want to do more. The question now is How???! The REPORT: A Lot of Issues, No Flat Agenda, But Over All Good Vibes & Good People. Didn't see signs of racism like the Tea Party folks Display.. NO Monkeys and Black Men in Ropes hanging from trees... and I believe that this is how a Lot of Historical Movements Begin... but the intensity is different now I am sure. Glad I went & Glad to Connect with Real People! Couldn't Watch Online Anymore... Stay Tuned while I figure out how I can be an affective contributor to the movement. We All Have to do something!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Welcome To Tarrey Torae's Idea's & Awareness Blog Page

Goodmorning and Welcome to my new page of ideas and concepts. Truly it is an honor to share and build with you. To begin this journey, I thought it would be great for you to get to know me and my beliefs a little better. So for my first entry, I am posting my belief statement and declaration of responsibility. I do hope this will help you in your journey here at and within your own structure of life, thoughts and actions. Once you read it, please feel free to create your own. I am sure that we will all get better as we grow in our thoughts and action. Cheers to a great journey together. Please stay in tune. I have not decided to make an entry on a daily basis yet, but I will make entries as I am so inspired to do. Maybe sometimes it will be daily and then in other cases it will be weekly. Which ever way it goes, lets stay connect. Please join this blog as a member by clicking "Join this site to" to the right and also, feel free to share it with others. Thank you for joining me. Here is My Beginning Statement:

Artist Belief Statement and Responsibility Declaration:

1. I am a believer in God!

2. I believe that traditional family values that don’t degrade an individual’s right to live comfortable and freely is the backbone of society and can heal and help us move in a better direction

3. I believe that music is a universal language that all people can use to connect and unite. Music is a the bridge of life from real people to politics and has been for hundreds of years.

4. I believe that Teachers that do their job and teach future generations, should be the highest paid career trade in the world.

5. I believe that Slavery and the Apology through Reparations is the only real Resolution for the this terrible history

6. I believe that the music industry has torn through the fabric of good and positive messages by putting out horrible images and lyrics and allowing the radio world to settle for only the top ten that it picks and not what the people pick

7. I believe that food and beverages that are processed with chemicals that eventually kill people by causing horrible diseases should be illegal and punishable as a crime if sold to unsuspecting citizens.

8. I believe that war is a creation of Big Politics to move the economy in a different direction to prove a new agenda with out the bias of self served needs of the politicians who create these wars

9. I believe that Peace can not be had until the democratic system is reconstructed

10.I believe that America is the central cause of most of the worlds problems and cannot be free of liability until they correct centuries of wrong that has been done.

11. I believe that computers, cell phones and most mechanical gadgets that have traceable components attached are the first phase of the Mark of The Beast.

12.I believe that most people are good at heart and if given the right resources and opportunities, would serve the change of a world that could benefit from their know how and giving hearts.

13.I believe that a child cannot be held accountable for negative actions if it is proven that their childhood has not been in a sustainable environment that provides a positive influence for greater impact on personality and adulthood/responsibility. Instead of adult jail time – they should receive closely monitored therapy and surveillance.

14.I believe that drug consumption is not a crime but an addiction that should be treated aggressively as a disease such as cancer would be.

15. I believe that prison cannot be an institution of repair for a person with a criminal past if they have to endure harder environments than they are use to and become a product of that environment. Releasing that newly created personality back into regular society without aggressive rehabilitation is a detriment to making our world better. We must support prison reform and not allow them to be private for profit. This is the wrong way to reform individuals and serves hidden financial agenda’s that the public should not be responsible for …

16.I believe that money does not make us happy, but I do believe that it will give you options.

17.I believe that some cases of theft, murder and fraud should be paid back through aggressive community service and the return of what was taken to its rightful place.

18. I believe that most people are good in their hearts and want to see others do well. & Only through habit and victim-practice do they display other behavior and signs of hate. Hate in my opinion is a learned behavior

19.I believe that the United States of America is a Country built on immoral principles no matter how ideal it has stated its beliefs in the constitution. They have a number of corrupted practices and policy’s to change. The USA owes a lot of people an apology and in undisputable terms it most definitely owes reparations to African Americans who are descendents of slavery. The means in which that particular issue has been ignored is not only ugly but a true testimony to the character and integrity of the United States Government and Policy. It will always be an interruption to the upward mobility of those who can’t speak for themselves economically. The truest test of will in the United States will never be at a full potential until we come to the same page and honor every citizen that lives here.

20I believe that racism is still very much ALIVE and Well and that it can only be solved through economic improvements in poor urban communities and higher corporate practice and reform through jobs and accessibility.

21.I believe that education and spirituality is the main source of human growth. We can only get better when our minds and spirits are allowed to grow.

22 I believe that we are missing a lot of information spiritually and that the Bible has been completely tampered with

23.I believe that Artists and Every Career minded individual should have a mission and belief statement. It should be a mandatory responsibility. Having it and sharing it is not the only way to improve our world. We must implement personal action toward these statements and never give up until we have created some part of the change that needs to happen. - Life is What We Make It! and If we support corruption through silence then we are a part of the corruption on a volunteer basis.